Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Assignment 1

I used for my search attempts because of their relevancy ranking system. I am more interested in how relevant the information is to my inquiry than how popular the page is; namely because I am asking a specific question.

I searched 3 times with the terms: "how p2p networks work," "legality of p2p networks,"and "why napster lost."

The two best sites I found were:

The first discusses how p2p networks operate while the second analyzes the Grokster and Napster cases. "P2P Networking and P2P Software"
1) writer Bradley Mitchell is responsible for the first article. It's purpose is to explain how p2p networks work as explaining things is normally the aim of
2) It is owned by the New York Times Company.
3) While there is no date for when the article was published, it mentions fairly new p2p services so it is current.
4) This article describes the most basic backbone of our project, how P2P networks actually work and which ones exist. It talks about how a peer to peer network actually works (two computers having the same responsibilities while uploading and downloading information) and it also talks about how the term p2p is commonly understood (online file sharing). It also talks about several popular p2p networks like Limewire and Bearshare.
5) The main information missing from this site is a more critical stance on the p2p search engines. It mwrely gives us background information, it does not delve into the deeper problems that p2p networks present.

1) writer Chris Springman is responsible for this page.
2) This site is owned by Thomas Reuters.
3) This article was published on May 8, 2003.
4) While the article itself is not current, what it discusses is vital to our project. In fact it might be better that the article was written in 2003 because the article will have a better hold on the Grokster and Napster cases. This article basically evaluates why Grokster and Napster lost, and what effects this had on peer to peer file sharing.
5) This is a very specific site for our project because it only comments on Grokster and Napster. Therefore the information missing is basic p2p network information and background which ios adequately filled by the other site I chose.


1 comment:

  1. Alex,

    The first site sounds great because it definitely provides answers to a lot of the questions we are required to answer for our presentation. A basic understanding of peer to peer file sharing will be very important, especially when sharing this knowledge with the class. The second site you found is similar to one I came across, which deals specifically with the Napster case, which was what kind of sparked the entire peer file sharing controversy.

